Category: Restorative Dentistry

Keeping Your Enamel Strength In Mind

Red BG Richfield MN

Have you recently injured a tooth? If so, the speedy repair of your damage can make all the difference in the lasting sturdiness of your smile. The outside surface of your teeth is composed of a material known as enamel, which is the hardest surface in your body. While this is a naturally durable form… Read more »

Feel The Relief Of Restoration

Denim Richfield MN

A broken or cracked tooth can happen to us all. Even with dedicated brushing and flossing, some things are out of our control. When you experience a break, be sure to speak with a qualified dental professional as soon as possible. The options in the repair of your natural tooth are great within the first… Read more »

Dental Crowns Reinforce Your Natural Tooth

Guy Richfield MN

From time to time, teeth can become compromised. This can happen as a result of physical trauma such as a car accident or a trip down the stairs. Even biting down on something that is too hard can lead to a chip or a crack. Everyday life can lead to broken teeth even with the… Read more »

Placing A Crown Protects The Teeth

richfield crown placement

When a tooth is damaged or suffers from decay too advanced for a filling, we can still offer treatment with a custom restoration. To return the tooth to optimal health, function, and beauty, we could place a dental crown. In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist talks about crafting and placing a crown.

Securing Your Partial Dentures

richfield partial dentures

When you have multiple gaps in your smile, this is a complicated case of tooth loss that requires a prosthetic. With a partial denture, we can provide a full smile that looks great. In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist talks about how to secure a new smile with a set of partials.

Does Your Smile Need A Filling?

richfield dental fillings

If you have an aching tooth, then this could mean the possible presence of a cavity. Without treatment, this cavity could lead to infection and even a greater risk of tooth loss! Fortunately, your Richfield, MN, dentist can help your smile by placing a lifelike and durable composite resin dental filling.

Partial Dentures Provide Lifelike Results

richfield partial dentures

When you have more than one gap in your smile, then a dental bridge may not be enough. Which means to address your missing teeth our team may need to place a partial denture. In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist will discuss how we create and secure a custom-made set of lifelike partial dentures.