Month: February 2018

Is Your Dental Crown Strong Enough For Biting And Chewing?

Using a dental crown to restore a problem tooth should allow you to once again count on that tooth for biting and chewing tasks. Whenever you undergo treatment for a problem, like a cavity, your dentist’s goal is to put an end to the issue, and to make sure your tooth is protected. That protection… Read more »

Using Modern Dental Fillings For Your Cavity Treatment

How do patients benefit from the use of modern dental fillings, rather than metal fillings? One big drawback to metal fillings lies in their appearance, as they can visually clash with surrounding tooth enamel. Modern fillings are able to closely match the look of your teeth, so they can be inconspicuous. The fillings your dentist… Read more »

Teaching Kids The Value Of Maintaining A Healthy Smile

Teaching kids to value good oral health care, and showing them how they can take care of their teeth, can help them avoid problems like tooth decay and gum disease. Your instructions and support can be valuable, but you can also count on your dentist for help in this matter. Part of every pediatric dental… Read more »

Quiz: Restorative Dental Work And Your Appearance

Patients undergo restorative dental work when they have an issue with the health of their tooth that needs to be addressed through professional care. This typically means treating a cavity, though physical trauma can also call for your dentist’s expertise. One thing you should understand is that when it comes to tooth decay, the damage… Read more »