Category: Restorative Dentistry

Ready To Replace Your Missing Teeth?

Have you lost one or possibly several of your teeth? If so, then you need to look into a replacement option, otherwise you could risk the loss of additional teeth or an aged appearance. Fortunately, your Richfield, MN, dentists could help those with minor or severe tooth loss with a dental prosthetic.

Creating A Crown That Looks Natural

When you have issues that require more than a simple dental filling, your Richfield, MN, dentist may prescribe a dental crown. But what can we do to ensure your crown not only looks natural, but also provides durable repair and restoration? In today’s blog, we’re going to talk about our lifelike dental restorations.

Does Your Aching Tooth Need A Filling?

When a person experiences a toothache, this could mean the presence of a cavity. Tooth decay requires treatment to prevent worsening cavities and infection. In order to stop the progression of the decay, your Richfield, MN, dentist may suggest a filling, which we create using a metal-free and lifelike material, and which we can place… Read more »

Let’s Look At The Difference Between Full And Partial Dentures

Losing a significant number of your natural teeth could mean serious complications for your smile’s health, function, and beauty. In order to restore these gaps and improve your oral health, you need to discuss a prosthetic. In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist will explain how partial and complete dentures can replace lost teeth and… Read more »

How Long Will My Bridge Last?

If you have between one and three missing teeth, then you run the risk of developing misalignment and other oral health complications. In order to protect your smile, your Richfield, MN, dentist is prepared with a prosthetic known as a dental bridge. But how does a bridge work, and how long will they last? Can… Read more »

Repairing Damaged Teeth With Crowns

When you sustain serious damage to your smile, such as a chip or fracture, then you may need a restoration. This option can offer a long-lasting solution to minor damage and even address serious oral health concerns, such as decay or infection. How does your Richfield, MN, dentist improve smile health and beauty with a… Read more »

Tooth Fillings Repair Smiles In One Visit

If you have a cavity, then you need treatment before your tooth decay turns into a serious infection or abscess. In order to help people in Richfield, MN, with aching, decayed teeth, we may offer a solution that only takes one visit to complete. Find out how we create and place our custom-made and metal-free… Read more »