Category: Preventive Dentistry

How Soft Drinks Can Affect Your Oral Health

Have you ever stopped to wonder what behaviors are putting you at the most risk for cavities? Oral care matters, and routine dental checkups can play a big part in your well-being, but other choices, like what you eat and drink, can have a real impact. When oral bacteria consume substances like sugar, it can… Read more »

Smart Brushing And Flossing Habits Help You Fight Cavities

When it comes to your oral health, consistent good habits matter. If you slack off on cleaning your teeth, or do a poor job completely cleaning them, you could create an opening for a cavity to develop. If you want to prevent dental problems, keep up with good brushing and flossing habits. By brushing regularly,… Read more »

The Link Between Teeth Grinding And Chronic Headaches

How often do you experience headaches? Are you growing accustomed to waking up with soreness in your face and jaw? These conditions may have more in common than you realize. Bruxism, a condition where a person routinely clenches their jaw, can dole out serious harm to your oral health. The pressure your upper and lower… Read more »

What Is Tartar?

Avoiding the development of tartar is one reason maintaining good brushing and flossing habits is so important. If plaque is not removed from your teeth in time, it can harden into tartar, which will make it exceedingly difficult to remove. This stubborn material can attack your teeth for an extended period of time, which means… Read more »

Quiz: Your Diet’s Effect On Your Oral Health

Think your responsibility to your teeth at home begins and ends with brushing and flossing? Think again. Every time you select a meal or a snack, you can affect the condition of your teeth. If you do not limit how much sugar you eat, your cavity risk can spike, leading to visits to your dentist… Read more »

Putting A Stop To Chronic Jaw Pain With TMJ Treatment

Chronic pain in your jaw is not something you should just learn to live with. Discomfort rooted in problems with your temporomandibular joints (known as TMJs) can be addressed effectively by your dentist. Relief may only be a matter of receiving a special mouth guard, which holds your jaw in a more comfortable position during… Read more »

Missing A Checkup Can Leave Dental Problems Unaddressed

Unless your dentist has advised you to operate on a different schedule, you should plan to undergo a routine dental checkup approximately every six months. These visits include a full review of your oral health, and a detailed cleaning that can remove material that is too stubborn to be removed via at-home care. One advantage… Read more »