How Soft Drinks Can Affect Your Oral Health

how-soft-drinks-can-affect-your-oral-healthHave you ever stopped to wonder what behaviors are putting you at the most risk for cavities? Oral care matters, and routine dental checkups can play a big part in your well-being, but other choices, like what you eat and drink, can have a real impact. When oral bacteria consume substances like sugar, it can lead to cavity-causing damage. When you consume more sugar, you face the risk of more damage. This is why soft drinks, with their high sugar content, can be such trouble for your teeth. When you drink more sodas, you put your teeth at more of a cavity risk. However, these drinks can also be trouble because of their acidity.

Sugar Is Not The Only Reason To Worry About Soft Drinks

Sugar is definitely one reason to worry about your soft drink consumption, but it is not the only reason. Are you familiar with what acidic items can do to your teeth? Something like soda, with its higher acidity, can actually soften your enamel. That can leave you with less protection for your teeth, and more likely to find yourself seeking restorative care from your dentist. This is why diet drinks, despite their lack of sugar, can still be an issue.

Drinking Water Can Have A Positive Effect On Your Teeth For Several Reasons

By drinking more water and staying hydrated, you can avoid dry mouth. This is good news for your teeth, because a lack of saliva leaves your teeth with less protection. Additionally, water with fluoride can actually help make your teeth more resistant to damage, so that you are less likely to have a cavity.