Category: Preventive Dentistry

Has It Been A While Since Your Last Visit?

Gray Background Richfield MN

If you are struggling to remember the last time you were in the dental chair for a routine cleaning and examination from a trained oral health provider, it may be time to schedule your next appointment. Most people require these visits once every six months, and some patients need an accelerated schedule of preventive care…. Read more »

Benefit From Regular Dental Treatments

Smiling woman on grey background

When was the last time you visited the dentist to receive a regular cleaning? If it has been longer than six months, you may be missing out on the benefits of preventive treatments for your smile. By establishing a semiannual appointment schedule, you help us create a record of your teeth that allows us to… Read more »

A Spring Cleaning For Your Smile

Lavender Blonde Richfield MN

As the weather starts to warm up, you might use this as a time to prepare for an active social life. Alongside an increase in temperatures, spring brings with it a sense of renewal that can spur us to make positive changes in our lives. For this reason, this time is a popular one for… Read more »

Take Initiative With A Professional Cleaning

Smile Richfield MN

When you are younger, there are many different changes to the mouth that require constant supervision. As you grow further into adulthood, things can feel as if they settle down a bit. It is still vital to keep routine appointments for cleanings and examinations every six months. The examination allows your dental professional to take… Read more »

Dental Resolutions For The Whole Family

Family Richfield MN

As this year draws to a close, we start to plan for settling back into our normal routines. While Christmas can certainly be hectic for some, the activities run fully from Halloween until the end of the year. This means that you have to take advantage of any lull in the schedule to ensure that… Read more »

Boosting Oral Health With A Cleaning

richfield dental fillings

Our previous blog was all about checkups and how they help protect your oral health. But in the same visit, we also clean your smile to prevent major oral health concerns. In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist talks about how we can boost your overall oral health with a dental cleaning.

Schedule A Checkup Visit Soon!

richfield schedule a checkup

Even though there is only a month left in the year, there is still time to schedule a checkup visit with our team! This preventive visit can help you maintain good oral health and an attractive smile. In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist talks about scheduling your last checkup and cleaning of 2022.