Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

Whiter Teeth Through Cosmetic Dental Services

It is hardly uncommon for someone to wish that they had a whiter smile. There are abundant items available at grocery stores and pharmacies that promise to whiten teeth. In practice, these over-the-counter products can help, but they limit their focus to stains that sit on the outermost levels of your enamel. A professional whitening… Read more »

Products That Can Affect The Color Of Your Teeth

Preserving the whiteness of your teeth can help you keep an attractive smile. If your teeth have dulled over the years, a cosmetic whitening procedure can help restore their color. Whether you have already undergone a whitening procedure, or hope to avoid one, you should know what products can carry a risk for tooth discoloration…. Read more »

Determining If A Cosmetic Treatment Is Right For You

If something about the appearance of your smile makes you self-conscious, you may have already thought about cosmetic dentistry. Several procedures exist that can modify the appearance of your teeth, and address problems you might have with how you look. Because there are different benefits to different procedures, selecting the right treatment can depend on… Read more »

Restoring Your Teeth After The Effects Of Bruxism

The effects of bruxism can linger on even after the problem has been addressed by your dentist. Bruxism, or excessive teeth clenching or grinding, can damage your teeth, and strain your jaw joints, known as your TMJs. The first step in treating bruxism is to protect your teeth from further harm. Once this has been… Read more »

Use Bonding And Contouring To Address A Problem Tooth

Tooth bonding and contouring can correct the flawed appearance of a tooth. Contouring is a process where your dentist can remove small amounts of enamel from a tooth, in order to reduce its size, or correct for a misshapen appearance. Your dentist can use tooth bonding to restore the appearance of a tooth that is… Read more »

Dental Remedies For Damaged Teeth

If you have a tooth, or several teeth, harmed in an accident, it is important that you visit your dentist. Physical trauma can affect a tooth’s color, make it vulnerable to infection, and leave unsightly signs of damage. A root canal treatment can ensure that the tooth has not become infected after an injury, and a… Read more »

Do You Want A Brighter Smile?

When you look in the mirror how do you feel about your smile? Do you feel embarrassed because of unsightly discoloration on your teeth? Do you want a brighter smile? If so, then you may be interested in professional teeth whitening. With a cosmetic treatment the dentist can help you erase discoloration and enjoy a… Read more »