When you have multiple gaps in your smile, this is a complicated case of tooth loss that requires a prosthetic. With a partial denture, we can provide a full smile that looks great. In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist talks about how to secure a new smile with a set of partials.
Does Your Smile Need A Filling?
If you have an aching tooth, then this could mean the possible presence of a cavity. Without treatment, this cavity could lead to infection and even a greater risk of tooth loss! Fortunately, your Richfield, MN, dentist can help your smile by placing a lifelike and durable composite resin dental filling.
Correcting Smile Imperfections With Bonding
If you have imperfections with the shape and the color of one or more of your teeth, then you may need cosmetic dentistry. With dental bonding and cosmetic contouring, we can transform the smile in one visit. In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist talks about how we boost the appearance of your smile.
Correcting The Shape Of An Awkward Tooth
Issues with a tooth’s shape and size can be a naturally occurring problem for your smile. While it may not point to an issue with your oral health, one awkward tooth can be an unfortunate distraction, one that takes away confidence in your overall appearance. At our Richfield, MN dentist’s office, we can provide an effective, surprisingly conservative solution to this problem. Tooth bonding and contouring can modify a tooth’s shape and size so that it no longer seems out of place. This treatment can correct problems with shape, size, and color, leading to significant results and the end of your concerns about an awkward or asymmetrical smile. (more…)
TMJ Disorder Could Strain Your Smile
In our last blog, we looked at the possible dangers of teeth grinding, or bruxism, and how this injures smiles. In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist talks about how a related disorder known as TMJ disorder, or TMD, could mean problems for your smile. We’re also talking about a noninvasive treatment option!
Grinding Your Teeth Could Damage Smiles
When you grind your teeth or clench them on a nightly basis, this is referred to as bruxism. Without care, there is a serious risk of damaged teeth and the onset of issues like tooth decay. Our team can help though! In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist talks about how we treat teeth grinding to prevent damaged teeth.
What To Expect From Your Checkup And Cleaning
A dental checkup and cleaning should happen every six months according to the American Dental Association (ADA). When was the last time you had a dental exam? In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist talks about what to expect from a preventive visit and why you should have one twice a year!