Better Brushing And Flossing Tips

richfield brushing and flossingAt home, you need to take steps to clean your teeth and prevent the factors that could cause the onset of issues like tooth decay and gum disease. In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist will explain what you can do to brush and floss better, and when to seek out care from our office! After all, this care not only fights decay and periodontal disease, but also brightens teeth and freshens breath.


Creating Your Custom Partial Denture

richfield partial dentureWhen you suffer from more serious cases of tooth loss, a bridge may not be enough to properly correct your smile. In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist will explain how we help complete your smile with a lifelike and durable prosthetic known as a partial. You can once again enjoy a full smile, one you can’t wait to show the world, and also safeguard the health and function of your smile.
