If you are struggling to remember the last time you were in the dental chair for a routine cleaning and examination from a trained oral health provider, it may be time to schedule your next appointment. Most people require these visits once every six months, and some patients need an accelerated schedule of preventive care. Be sure that you listen to your oral health provider and stick to these appointments, as they help you to avoid problems like tooth decay and gum disease!
With our team of dental experts in Richfield, MN, you can stay on top of your routine preventive dental needs with a semiannual checkup! Schedule your next appointment and find your way back to a positive timeline of cleanings and examinations, so that you always keep the focus on having a healthy smile. From the removal of your plaque and tartar accumulation to the early detection of any oral health concerns, you have the opportunity to maintain your smile with your semiannual checkups. Schedule your next appointment with our team today! (more…)