Restoring Smile Function With Dentures

denturesWhat if you have a cases of tooth loss much too severe for the bridges we discussed last week? If so, then you may need a denture! In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist will explain how we create and maintain a set of dentures to address missing teeth, and helping you regain your ability to smile with confidence and eat your favorite foods again.

The Impact of Severe Tooth Loss

When we lose the vast majority of our teeth, this limits the kinds of foods we can eat. Being forced to subsist on only soft foods denies our body access to essential vitamins and nutrients, which has a negative impact on our overall health. The lack of natural teeth could also inhibit clear speech, impacting your interactions with others. Lack of teeth could also impact your facial structure and make you appear much older. However, we have the ability to address your missing teeth with a custom-made denture.

Partial Options

If you have multiple missing teeth, with gaps spread out across your arch, you may need a partial denture. The prosthetic contains a base that looks like gum tissue, and includes natural-looking teeth. Metal clasps will attach to the natural teeth and anchor the prosthetic in place. The clasps will not be visible when your denture is in. We custom-make the prosthetic to ensure a comfortable fit and a lifelike appearance. With proper care and attention, they can last as long as 10 years. They require replacement as the shape of the jaw ridge changes with time. You will need to remove them occasionally for cleaning and soaking.

A Complete Prosthetic

If you have lost all of your teeth, or the vast majority, then we will take detailed impressions and images of your smile. We then begin crafting the prosthetic. When complete, the denture will be held in place with natural suction or a special adhesive. They tend to last about 5 to 10 years, and require cleaning and soaking to continue fitting well. You will be able to eat your favorite foods again, and smile with confidence. Speaking becomes much easier too! Remember, tooth loss starts with one or two teeth, but without attention from your dentist could grow more severe with time. If you have suffered even minor tooth loss, then contact our team to learn about preventive actions and replacement options. We want to help you enjoy a whole smile that fills you with confidence!

Your Richfield, MN Dentist’s Office Provides Prosthetics

At our Richfield, MN dentist’s office, we’re ready to restore your smile and return function, beauty, and health. To find out more about our custom solutions for tooth loss, then please call Cedar West Family Dentistry at (612) 861-7188.