Have you ever wondered why you need to see the dentist twice a year? If you have always been on top of your appointments, this may be a regular part of your routine that you have never questioned. Maybe you have never kept up with your oral hygiene and want to better your habits in 2024. At your Cedar West Family Dentistry in Richfield, MN, we can help you improve your oral hygiene and physical health by caring for your teeth, and gums, and even helping with TMJ.
With the holidays coming up, there will be a lot of smiling and picture-taking. If you are looking for a non-invasive and quick way to enhance your smile long-term, bonding and contouring can help you. At Cedar West Dental in Richfield, Minnesota, we offer this cosmetic treatment as an alternative to other methods. In today’s blog, we are here to tell you more about these procedures.
Do you find your jawbone to feel tense at times? Have you ever heard clicking noises when adjusting your mouth? Do you feel sensitive in certain areas of your smile? These are just a few signs that you may be dealing with tooth grinding or TMJ disorder. While these are both common dental problems, they must be addressed and treated early on. At Cedar West Dental Richfield, MN, we can offer our patients custom-made mouthguards to help with their bruxism and TMJ.
Keeping your smile safe as you age is a lifelong commitment, and this begins with preventing damage before it has a chance to occur. For this reason, it is vital that you stick to the treatment plan given to you by your dentist, including your appointments for semiannual dental checkups. Like the name suggests, most people need these at least twice each year, so if it has been longer than six months since your last appointment, take the time to meet with your oral health provider.
At Cedar West Family Dentistry in Richfield, MN, we are dedicated to helping you maintain your smile throughout your entire life. Take some time to visit our office for a cleaning and an examination so that you can keep yourself on the right oral health track and avoid common concerns such as tooth decay and periodontal disease. These can risk the health of your smile, so don’t put off your routine visits to the dentist. Give us a call today to schedule your next appointment! (more…)
As a parent, you understand that your child’s needs come first. When it comes to their dental care, however, how do you know where to start? For many parents, this can be a common source of confusion. After all, they are going to lose their first set of teeth anyway, so is their dentistry all that important?
At our helpful dental office in Richfield, MN, you can know that you have an oral health guide through their early years. From their first visit through to adulthood, we are here to give them the tools they need to be successful in their smile care. This all starts with their initial visit to the dentist for an examination, and you want to make sure that they have a positive first experience. Talk to our team about ways to make things a little easier on yourself and your little one, so that they grow to understand that the dentist is not something to fear, but a vital part of their development. (more…)
Breaking a tooth can be painful and traumatic. Thankfully, our team of experts is ready to make your tooth whole again. In today’s blog, your dental experts at Cedar West Family Dentistry explore what a dental crown is, how repairing it protects long-term health, and essential tips to care for it in the long term.
Toothaches can be excruciating and make it difficult to complete daily tasks. Whether it’s a persistent ache or a sharp, throbbing sensation, a painful tooth can make even the simplest project unbearable. Thankfully, we offer multiple solutions to alleviate tooth pain. filling. In today’s blog, your dental experts at Cedar West Family Dentistry explore three ways to get you healthy again.