If you have failed to keep up with regular dental visits, you can may be unaware of how your absence from the dentist’s chair can put you at an oral health disadvantage. One big issue is that when you skip out on checkups, potential problems are going unnoticed. That allows them to grow more severe, which can lead to your needing more involved restorative dental care to remedy the situation. You also miss out on regular dental cleanings, which make you less likely to suffer from tooth decay. (more…)
Can Cosmetic Work Effectively Address A Damaged Tooth?
If you have unsightly dental damage that is hurting your smile, you may be eager to find a way to address the matter. If your focus is on improving how you look, you may assume that cosmetic dental work will be the right answer for you. Will you be able to cover up damages like chips or cracks in a way that looks natural? What if your dentist feels your tooth needs more than just cosmetic support? If your tooth is only superficially affected, a dental bonding treatment can be ideal. However, a more serious injury may call for restorative dental care instead. (more…)
How Your Dentist Provides Lasting Restorative Care
When you see your dentist for restorative dental work, you should feel confident that the care you receive will offer lasting support. Unfortunately, our teeth do not heal from cavities, or from significant damage. When you receive a dental filling to support a tooth, or have a dental crown placed over a tooth, you should be able to trust that you will have enduring protection. These restorations help make it possible for you to bite and chew confidently, while protecting your tooth from future issues. Of course, some restorative work goes beyond protecting teeth, and effectively replaces them. If you receive a dental prosthetic in order to replace missing teeth, these should also provide long-term support. (more…)
Dealing With Problems Caused By Tooth Loss? We Can Help!
Tooth loss can create many issues that can frustrate you on a daily basis. Some people find that they have to make uncomfortable adjustments to how they bite, chew, and speak. Some find that they are reluctant to smile, because a missing tooth makes them self-conscious. Dental bridges and dentures have helped many patients move past their problems with tooth loss. With the right dental restoration, you can target the different problems you are facing, and feel as though your smile has been returned to you. (more…)
How Teeth Grinding Can Affect Your Oral Health
If you have a habit of clenching your jaw at night, you may find your mornings are less pleasant because of pain in your teeth and jaw when you awaken. Unfortunately, the problems created by this issue, known as bruxism, go beyond discomfort. When you reflexively clench your jaw at night, you create tremendous pressure on teeth. This can create the kind of stress that leads to chipping and cracking. When nothing is done in response to the matter, you can require restorative dental care to repair damages. Your dentist can help you deal with bruxism so that you avoid damaging your smile. (more…)
Responding To Different Types Of Oral Health Problems
Restorative dental care can help you recover from problems that hurt the quality of your oral health. Hopefully, you will only need to rely on your dentist for preventive care provided during regular dental checkups. However, you may find yourself needing help with any number of problems that affect individuals. Cavities are a common problem – if you need help with tooth decay, your dentist can perform restorative dental care, then provide you with a crown or filling. Patients who suffer tooth loss can face particular challenges. If you need to restore an incomplete smile, your dentist can help by providing you with the appropriate prosthetic dental support. (more…)
3 Oral Health Mistakes You Definitely Want To Avoid
Keeping your smile in good condition is important, and a relatively straightforward task. Stay on top of brushing and flossing, watch out for sugar, and see your dentist for regular checkups, so you are aware of any issues that need to be addressed. Unfortunately, cavities and gum disease are still all too common among individuals, even if information on quality oral care is easily available. Different people face different degrees of risk when it comes to problems that will call for restorative dental care. That being said, being mindful of our choices – and their consequences – can help you improve your chances of keeping your mouth issue-free. (more…)