Stay Hydrated To Prevent Dry Mouth And Protect Your Smile

Staying hydrated can help you maintain your appearance, your energy levels during exercise, and your physical health. When people think about the benefits of water, they often dwell on these advantages of good hydration, but they may not think about their oral health. When you are not doing a good job drinking enough fluids, your body can react by limiting your production of saliva. This can result in extended periods of dry mouth, which can interfere with your natural ability to contend with the negative effects of oral bacteria. During a routine dental exam, your Richfield, MN dentist’s office can help you improve on your ability to prevent oral health issues by talking about the importance of hydration, as well as other matters you should know about. (more…)

3 Things You Should Know About Dental Fillings

man showing 3 fingersIf you know that you need treatment for a cavity, you can anticipate that your dentist will place a dental filling on the tooth to protect it. This is not always the case – sometimes, a dental crown is needed to protect a tooth that requires more support than a filling is ready to give. That being said, fillings are commonly provided for patients after restorative dental work. At our Richfield, MN dentist’s office, patients receive fillings that are made with a lifelike composite resin material that offers an impressive cosmetic match with their enamel. These restorations offer more than just better coverage for your smile – they are able to bond directly with your tooth structure to offer lasting support! (more…)

How Can You Prevent The Gradual Buildup Of Teeth Stains?

What can you do to make sure that your smile is as bright and healthy a year from now as it is today? What can you do to make sure you stay confident in the appearance of your teeth over many years? While brushing and flossing are important for maintaining the quality of your smile, you should recognize how your diet choices impact your risk for potential teeth stains. Your choices regarding what to eat and drink can impact your appearance, just as they can affect the health of your smile. Our Richfield, MN dentist’s office can provide guidance and encouragement during regular dental exams regarding the maintenance of your smile’s color and health. (more…)

Remove Hard-To-Reach Oral Bacteria By Flossing Each Day

man flossingTo effectively protect yourself against threats like tooth decay and gum disease, you should have an oral health care routine that fully protects your smile. Unfortunately, people who generally feel confident about their habits at home may not realize how much your smile remains vulnerable to bacteria buildup. The reason some people fail to effectively protect their teeth is because they are not flossing on a regular basis. Failure to do so allows deposits of bacteria between teeth to remain, multiply, and cause a buildup of plaque and tartar. While our Richfield, MN dentist’s office is able to help you fight this buildup during professional teeth cleanings, you should have a plan in place to effectively fight these deposits at home! (more…)

How Concerned Should I Be About Enamel Wear And Tear?

image of a young man thinking about a questionWhen oral bacteria consume sugars found in the foods and drinks you enjoy, they can release acids capable of damaging your dental enamel. If that damage grows serious enough, a cavity can form, which results in the need for restorative dental work. Our Richfield, MN dentist’s office is prepared to help individuals who are affected by dental decay. What you might not realize is that we are also prepared to help if excess friction on teeth has caused worrying dental wear and tear. When the problem is only superficial, patients sometimes inquire about cosmetic dental work to improve their appearance. With that said, this problem can lead to damage that is serious enough to call for restorative dental work, particularly if you have a history of teeth grinding or clenching. (more…)

A Severe Cavity Can Lead To Alarming Dental Discomfort

Young woman has a toothacheThat problem with a tooth that seems to be worsening? It could be a sign that you have a serious cavity, one that could cause significant problems for your smile if it is not treated. A cavity can initially form without causing discomfort, so patients can fail to realize that something is wrong. Over time, decay can continue to do damage to your enamel, and eventually the problem can become serious enough to cause an infection in your pulp, the central chamber of the tooth. Our Richfield, MN dentist’s office can help resolve the problem by performing restorative dental work. Once this is done, you can receive a permanent restoration that keeps your tooth safe, and also allows you to bite and chew without difficulty. (more…)

My Dental Crown Feels Loose – What Should I Do?

When a dental crown is put in place, its purpose is simple, but important. Your restoration will protect your tooth from physical damage or infection while also providing support on its behalf when you bite and chew. To do this effectively, a crown should be both durable and carefully developed to fit comfortably. Unfortunately, a restoration may loosen, break, or even be completely lost in time. If this happens, you should schedule treatment as soon as possible to make sure your tooth is protected once again. Our Richfield, MN dentist’s office can provide you with a replacement restoration that can help you avoid new problems with a tooth that has already undergone treatment before. (more…)