What if you have a cases of tooth loss much too severe for the bridges we discussed last week? If so, then you may need a denture! In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist will explain how we create and maintain a set of dentures to address missing teeth, and helping you regain your ability to smile with confidence and eat your favorite foods again.
Will My Bridge Look Natural?
When you suffer from minor tooth loss, you still have a gap in your smile that could cause major complications. Before you experience negative impacts on your quality of life and oral health, you should seek tooth replacement. In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist will explain how we treat tooth loss with a natural-looking dental bridge.
Trick-Or-Treating And Healthy Smiles
It is that time of year again! Scary and festive decorations, dressing up and becoming whoever or whatever you want to be, and trick-or-treating into the evening. There is nothing more exciting as a child than coming home with a bucket full of tasty candy and treats from the evening’s haul. Keep in mind, however, that Halloween is approaching, and while many people love the spooky season, it is important to take into account how candy and other goodies affect your overall oral health. Because of this, the team at Cedar West Family Dentistry in Richfield Minnesota offers year-round preventive care to ensure your smile stays in tip-top shape.
Snacking And Your Smile
Think about what you ate yesterday or the day before. You might remember the big meals, but it’s easy to overlook the snacks. Yet snacking habits can have a profound affect on your smile. Little nibbles here and there, sugared drinks and sticky, chewy treats can harm teeth in unexpected ways. Our kind and supportive dentist in Richfield, MN, uses checkups and cleanings to keep a careful eye on your oral health, and smart snacking habits can help checkups go smoothly. (more…)
Smile Protection With Custom Dental Crowns
Our last blog was all about how we use fillings to offer a lifelike solution to tooth decay. But what if your tooth needs more than a filling? To provide a greater level of protection and address more serious concerns, your Richfield, MN, dentist may suggest a dental crown! In today’s blog, we’re going to explain how we create and place a custom-made restoration.
Will My Cavity Treatment Blend With My Smile?
Cavities form in smiles of all ages, and can be the source of a minor ache, or eventually the cause of a major infection. Which means when you experience symptoms like toothaches, you should see us for treatment. Don’t worry, your Richfield, MN, dentist has a treatment option that blends with your smile!
A Cosmetic Makeover With Bonding And Contouring
What if there were two procedures that could completely transform a smile’s beauty, and not only that, but do so in only one visit? With dental bonding and cosmetic contouring, your Richfield, MN, dentist can address issues with the color and shape of the teeth, and help improve the overall health and function of the smile at the same time.