Products That Can Affect The Color Of Your Teeth

products that can affect the color of your teethPreserving the whiteness of your teeth can help you keep an attractive smile. If your teeth have dulled over the years, a cosmetic whitening procedure can help restore their color. Whether you have already undergone a whitening procedure, or hope to avoid one, you should know what products can carry a risk for tooth discoloration. It can be hard to avoid in some cases – certain medications you may need to take can cause changes in the color of your teeth that are not treatable with standard whitening agents. In these cases, other cosmetic treatments can help. (more…)

A Root Canal’s Role In Saving Your Tooth

root canals role in saving your toothWith good care at home and regular dental visits, you will hopefully avoid entering a situation where you need a root canal. However, if you have a problem with the interior of your tooth, this procedure can be crucial to saving it from being lost. A root canal is a procedure where your dentist will access a tooth’s pulp, to address any issues with the nerves and blood vessels within. This living tissue is what sustains your tooth; if a problem arises in this area, it can become painful, and it can potentially kill the tooth. (more…)

Determining If A Cosmetic Treatment Is Right For You

determining if a cosmetic treatment is right for youIf something about the appearance of your smile makes you self-conscious, you may have already thought about cosmetic dentistry. Several procedures exist that can modify the appearance of your teeth, and address problems you might have with how you look. Because there are different benefits to different procedures, selecting the right treatment can depend on what you are looking to improve upon. It is important to note that you should have any ongoing health issues with your teeth addressed before tending to their cosmetic needs. Your dentist can inspect your teeth, and determine if you are a good candidate for cosmetic treatment. (more…)

Restoring Your Teeth After The Effects Of Bruxism

restoring your teeth after bruxismThe effects of bruxism can linger on even after the problem has been addressed by your dentist. Bruxism, or excessive teeth clenching or grinding, can damage your teeth, and strain your jaw joints, known as your TMJs. The first step in treating bruxism is to protect your teeth from further harm. Once this has been accomplished, you can work with your dentist to tend to lingering discomforts, and take steps to address cosmetic problems caused by bruxism. While bruxism can be a drag on your oral health and appearance, it is possible to treat these problems. (more…)

Changes In Your Diet That Can Improve Your Oral Health

changes in your diet that can improve your oral healthThe decisions you make for your diet concern more than just your weight. The types of foods and drinks you consume can either increase, or decrease, your odds of having a cavity form on your teeth. Oral care is not limited to dental visits, or at-home care; other factors, like the amount of sugar you consume, can contribute. While sugar plays a big part in your dental health, it should not be your only concern. Foods that are sticky, or that are tough to bite, can lead to oral health troubles, too. (more…)

Why Dental Checkups Are Important To Your Oral Health

why dental checkups are important to your oral healthNo matter how consistent and attentive you are when you brush and floss your teeth, if you forgo regular dental checkups, you miss out on important care for your teeth. You should think of your dentist as more than just someone who can help in a dental emergency. At a routine checkup, you receive the kind of teeth cleaning that you can not replicate at home, and a full inspection of your oral health. These appointments with your dentist can be vital to sustaining your dental health, and can enable you to have problems spotted and treated before they become severe. (more…)

Fluoride And Dental Sealants For Your Child’s Teeth

fluoride and dental sealants for your child's teethWhen you instill the value of good oral health to your children at a young age, it can benefit them through adulthood. Because children are still learning how to properly care for their teeth, it can be advantageous to offer treatments that further protect them from decay. During your child’s visit to the dentist, fluoride and dental sealants can offer added defense against tooth decay. These treatments, along with good dental health habits at home, can lower their risk for developing cavities. (more…)