What can you gain from cosmetic dental work? Many people choose to undergo treatment gain a real confidence boost. A change to your smile can make a pronounced change to your overall appearance. If your teeth are worn or misshapen, or if they have dulled in color over time, they can make you feel self-conscious. These problems can also lead to you looking prematurely older. There are several types of work your dentist can do, and these procedures can target a range of physical problems. With a treatment like porcelain veneers, you can actually take care of several problems all at once. (more…)
How Soft Drinks Can Affect Your Oral Health
Have you ever stopped to wonder what behaviors are putting you at the most risk for cavities? Oral care matters, and routine dental checkups can play a big part in your well-being, but other choices, like what you eat and drink, can have a real impact. When oral bacteria consume substances like sugar, it can lead to cavity-causing damage. When you consume more sugar, you face the risk of more damage. This is why soft drinks, with their high sugar content, can be such trouble for your teeth. When you drink more sodas, you put your teeth at more of a cavity risk. However, these drinks can also be trouble because of their acidity. (more…)
How A Root Canal Can Restore An At-Risk Tooth
What will it take to treat pain in a tooth that refuses to just go away? You should know that a persistent toothache could indicate endodontic problems, or problems within your tooth. The interior of your tooth contains the tooth’s supportive living tissue. If a problem develops with this material, it should be addressed by your dentist. A root canal treatment can allow your dentist to reach the source of the problem within your tooth, and eliminate the issue. In order to restore your tooth after it has undergone this treatment, a dental crown can be provided. (more…)
Why Some People Use Porcelain Veneers To Secure Whiter Teeth
The most obvious solution to the problem of dull, discolored teeth is a professional teeth whitening treatment. However, the obvious approach may not be the best approach, at least not for everyone. Some people will not see the results they want because their problems are due to intrinsic discoloration. For these patients, your dentist might recommend porcelain veneers. The veneers are applied directly to the front of your teeth, and can make it so your smile looks flawless whenever you show it off. Veneers are also popular because of how they can cover up dental damage, or misshapen teeth. Some people will even elect to receive them because they want longer-lasting results, which they can provide. (more…)
Smart Brushing And Flossing Habits Help You Fight Cavities
When it comes to your oral health, consistent good habits matter. If you slack off on cleaning your teeth, or do a poor job completely cleaning them, you could create an opening for a cavity to develop. If you want to prevent dental problems, keep up with good brushing and flossing habits. By brushing regularly, you can clear away food debris and bacteria, so that they cannot harm your teeth. Flossing helps by allowing you to clear away problematic substances in hard to reach areas between teeth. (more…)
Restoring Your Smile Through Dentures
What causes people to lose their teeth? Tooth loss, especially advanced or total tooth loss, can seriously compromise your appearance, and your ability to eat and speak. While you can lose a tooth because of an injury, or because of untreated tooth decay, the most common reason people lose teeth is because of issues that relate to advanced gum disease. If you need to restore serious tooth loss, you can speak with your dentist about having a set of dentures created. Your dentist can offer a set of full dentures, but in cases where only some teeth have been lost, partial dentures can also be produced, so that you can restore your smile. (more…)
The Link Between Teeth Grinding And Chronic Headaches
How often do you experience headaches? Are you growing accustomed to waking up with soreness in your face and jaw? These conditions may have more in common than you realize. Bruxism, a condition where a person routinely clenches their jaw, can dole out serious harm to your oral health. The pressure your upper and lower teeth place on each other can cause cosmetic damage, and if left unchecked it can do functional damage as well. Another consequence of bruxism is TMJ problems, a condition where poor alignment in your jaw causes a variety of discomfort. Chronic headaches can be a symptom of TMJ problems. (more…)