Dental Checkups Help Keep Teeth In Top Shape

dental checkups keep teeth in top shapeThe care you provide for your teeth at home can play a big part in your overall oral health. However, even if you brush and floss diligently, you should schedule regular visits with your dentist. A routine examination allows your dentist to inspect your mouth, teeth, and gums for signs of trouble you can easily miss. The cleaning provided by your hygienist employs tools that can remove stubborn bacteria you may not be able to remove, no matter how hard you try on your own. Regular checkups can be especially important for children, as your dentist can provide special treatments that help them maintain their oral health. (more…)

Do You Want A Brighter Smile?

kellerteethwhiteningWhen you look in the mirror how do you feel about your smile? Do you feel embarrassed because of unsightly discoloration on your teeth? Do you want a brighter smile? If so, then you may be interested in professional teeth whitening. With a cosmetic treatment the dentist can help you erase discoloration and enjoy a more attractive smile.


A Dental Filling Can Help You Cope with That Cavity

Cope with Cavity Tooth Colored FillingsOuch. Have you been experiencing pain when you try to bite into your favorite flavor of ice cream? Are mornings spent wincing while you try to sip your extra hot latte? If so, you could be suffering from a cavity. While no one wants to hear that he or she has developed a cavity, there is good news. Modern dentistry makes it possible to cope with a cavity in a way that won’t wreck your smile. In fact, tooth-colored dental fillings provide a way to seamlessly restore a smile affected by a cavity, so you can move past the sensitivity and discomfort, and get back to enjoying a healthy smile and all your favorite things! (more…)

Dazzle This Holiday Season with Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry Holiday SmileWant to start this festive season with a more beautiful smile? If so, it’s not too late to call your cosmetic dentist. From professional whitening to teeth bonding and contouring, there are a number of fast and affordable ways a cosmetic dentist can help enhance the natural beauty of your smile. By hiding or correcting esthetic imperfections, cosmetic treatment allows you to ring in the holidays with a truly dazzling smile. (more…)

A Picture Perfect Smile Through Restorative Dentistry

Picture Perfect SmileWho doesn’t want to look great in holiday pictures, or any picture for that matter? Life can be even more enjoyable when you feel confident with the smile you have to show off. Unfortunately the opposite is also often true. It can be embarrassing and frustrating trying to jump back into your old life – much less photographs – with a newly incomplete smile. Plus, delaying or skipping prosthetic treatment can cause alignment problems and even jaw pain. So stop hiding out, or hating that reminder of your tooth loss each time you look in the mirror, and call your dentist, instead. A restorative dentist can help provide you with a beautiful prosthetic that will not only improve your smile’s function, it will prepare you for your next closeup. (more…)

Q&A: Protecting Your Smile On Halloween

halloweenpumpkinpearsOne of the most enjoyable times of the year – and most threatening to your smile – is Halloween night. You get to dress up, see friends, watch your children wear adorable costumes, and treat yourself to some very delicious sugary goodies. Unfortunately, as much as that candy makes you smile, it also does bad things to your smile. This can leave some patients feeling quite conflicted and unsure how to proceed. We suggest you consider some helpful questions and answers about preventive care, so you’re a bit more prepared for keeping your smile healthy, while you celebrate.
