Will I Be Able To Receive A Dental Bridge?

A permanent dental prosthetic can be your relief from the frustration and embarrassment you can experience after losing teeth. Many people are reluctant to let others see that they have a gap in their smile. If nothing is done about the gap, your surrounding teeth are more likely to be lost as well. If you have to change how you bite, chew, or speak because of tooth loss, your jaw joints can experience a buildup of stress that leads to TMJ issues. You can have a dental bridge set, which can improve your smile, and help you feel like you can enjoy natural jaw function again. (more…)

Issues You Can Face When You Fail To Practice Good Oral Care

How much are you currently doing to prevent dental problems? Not everyone has the same potential cavity risk, but every patient should put real thought into how they can maintain a healthy mouth. Failing to protect your smile from oral health threats can leave you needing restorative dental care. One problem is with tartar – if you are careless about brushing, either by skipping sessions, or failing to cover all of your teeth, plaque can harden into tartar. Once that hardening has occurred, this harmful substance will resist brushing efforts, and continue to harm your teeth. (more…)

How A Dental Crown Protects A Vulnerable Tooth

Some cavities do more damage to a tooth than a dental filling can realistically address. For serious tooth decay, your dentist can provide a dental crown. A dental crown can be made from many different material types – each type has relative benefits concerning their appearance, and their durability. A zirconia crown can actually provide impressive cosmetic results, while coming close to the durability of metal. To place a crown, your dentist first needs to gather your measurements, so the restoration you receive is the correct fit. Once it has been crafted and shipped to your dentist, you can return to have it placed. (more…)

Important Help To Recover From TMJ Problems

TMJ problems can be the cause of persistent discomfort that hurts your quality of life. You could be at the mercy of frequent headaches, suffer regular face and neck pains, and struggle to operate your jaw in a manner that feels normal, or comfortable. People are left enduring this uncomfortable condition due to a number of different factors. TMJ pains can be the result of bruxism, a habit of grinding your teeth. You could also be suffering from arthritis in your jaw joints, or lingering problems after a jaw injury. To put a stop to TMJ discomfort, talk to your dentist. (more…)

Breaking These Habits Can Help Your Smile

How much care are you really providing for your teeth? Keep in mind that your oral health depends on more than just how often you brush. For starters, your daily oral care should include flossing. You should also remember that the type of diet you enjoy will influence how much potential damage you expose your teeth to during the day. If you want to limit your risk for trouble, and enjoy good preventive dental care, make sure you are mindful of how your habits might be affecting your teeth. Those good at-home behaviors, along with regular dental checkups, can make a big difference in your fight to resist cavities. (more…)

Quiz: Addressing Dental Discoloration

quiz-addressing-dental-discolorationOne common problem that makes patients self-conscious about their smile is dental discoloration. You may think you are taking care of your teeth, but over the years, staining agents can gather, and your enamel can start to lose its whiteness. Diligent daily care can help keep stains from accumulating, but if you want to enjoy significant results in a short span of time, talk to your dentist about a professional whitening treatment. Your dentist, after confirming that a whitening procedure is the right answer to your cosmetic problems, can provide a kit that allows you to apply professional whitening agents to your teeth at home. You can have a major smile improvement within two weeks! If whitening is not the best way to whiten your teeth, another cosmetic dental procedure may be able to help. (more…)

Starting Dental Visits For Your Child

starting-dental-visits-for-your-childIf you want to ensure your child appreciates the need for good dental care, bringing them to the dentist at a young age is important. During these visits, which can start when a child is as young as three years old, your dentist can instill an understanding that oral health should be a priority. These visits also help by allowing your dentist to monitor their development. If problems arise, or it appears your child will need orthodontic help, your dentist can walk you through their needs. One way you can contribute to your child’s appreciation for good dental care is by modeling good behaviors. Taking a young child with you to an appointment can help them feel more comfortable at the dentist’s office, and help them see you are serious about the state of your smile. (more…)