Time For Their First Dental Appointment?

Richfield, MN, dentist offers checkups for kids

As a parent, you do your best to make sure that your child is happy and healthy. That should include making sure your little one has a healthy smile, too. If your kid is three years or older, it’s time to bring them in for their very first dental checkup. The team at Cedar West Family Dentistry in Richfield, MN, is here to help make this initial visit a positive one.


Start 2025 With A Checkup

Richfield, MN, dentist offers checkups

It’s the start of a new year, and that means it’s time to set new goals to accomplish. If one of your resolutions is to improve your oral health, our team at Cedar West Family Dentistry in Richfield, MN, is here to help you. Before planning to improve your periodontal health or replace missing teeth, make sure you schedule a cleaning and examination to evaluate the current health of your smile. This initial checkup can help look for common oral health problems like cavities, gingivitis, and more, so your dentist can update your treatment plan.


Plan Restorations For The New Year

Richfield, MN, dentist offer restorative treatments for patients

Have you had your last dental checkup of the year yet? December is a great time to schedule your second cleaning and examination of the year. You can ensure that your smile is healthy before the holiday season, and you can begin planning what restorative work you may need done at the beginning of the next year. In today’s blog, your team at Cedar West Dental in Richfield, MN, is here to discuss the restorations we offer for our patients.


A Brighter Smile For The Holidays

Richfield, MN, dentist offers bonding and contoruing

The end of the year is a great time to finally schedule those dental treatments you’ve been putting off. If it’s been a while since your last checkup, make sure to come in for a cleaning and examination before your dental benefits restart in January. You can also plan restorative treatments for the days you will have off from work and school. For patients who have been putting off cosmetic treatments, consider planning a bonding and contouring treatment as a gift to yourself for the holidays. In today’s blog, the team at Cedar West Family Dentistry in Richfield, MN, is here to talk about the benefits of this cosmetic service.


Grind Your Teeth? We Can Help

Richfield, MN, dentist offers treatment for TMJ and bruxism Have you noticed that you have frequent headaches, or your teeth often feel sensitive? These symptoms could be a sign of a chronic habit that you may be unaware of. Bruxism is a condition that causes patients to grind their teeth or clench their jaw, typically while they are sleeping. This can lead to worn down enamel, jaw pain, headaches, and more. The team at Cedar West Family Dentistry in Richfield, MN, can help you determine the cause of this problem and find a noninvasive solution that can relieve your symptoms.


Help Your Little One Maintain A Healthy Smile

Richfield, MN, dentist offers checkups for kids

With Halloween having just passed, and Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other winter holidays right around the corner, you may be wondering about all the sugary snacks your child has been consuming. While it’s perfectly fine to enjoy a sweet snack from time to time, an abundance of sugar could lead to cavities and other problems for your little one’s smile. In today’s blog, your team at Cedar West Family Dentistry in Richfield, MN, is here with a few tips on keeping your child’s smile cavity-free as we head into the holiday season.


Prevent Cavities With Biannual Checkups

Richfield, MN, dentist offers checkups and cleanings

Tooth decay is one of the most common oral health problems that patients of all ages face. Luckily, this problem is easily preventable with a good hygiene routine and regular trips to the dentist. In today’s blog, your team at Cedar West Family Dentistry in Richfield, MN, is here to remind you to schedule your next cleaning and examination before the end of the year!
