Creating Natural-Looking Dental Crowns

porcelain dental crownA dental crown provides a more durable and substantial restoration than a dental filling. When people have chipped or cracked teeth, or more severe cases of tooth decay, then your Richfield, MN, dentist may suggest a dental crown. In today’s blog, we’re looking at the lifelike materials we use to craft them, and what to expect from the placement process.

The Benefits of a Custom Crown

A custom crown will fit comfortably, and be designed to mimic the look of surrounding teeth. Since they cover everything above the gum line, we use them to address a wide array of cosmetic and restorative issues. For example, our team may repair minor (or more severe) cracks and chips, and lengthen the teeth worn-down by bruxism (teeth grinding). We also mask teeth stains and correct misshapen teeth too. Treatment could address tooth decay and address infections too. For those with tooth loss, we could help by using them to secure a dental bridge, or to restore a single tooth dental implant.

The Materials We Use

We use a variety of materials to mimic the look of your teeth and match the rest of your smile. For example, for the front-facing teeth, we may use all-porcelain, which offers the same translucent appearance as tooth enamel and can be shaded to match surrounding teeth. For the rear and side teeth, which must endure greater bite forces, we could use zirconia or porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM), which can absorb stronger bite forces and provides a durable (and still attractive) restoration.

Placing Your New Restoration

We start by removing structure from the tooth receiving one, and then we take detailed impressions and images. After we design and favorite the finished product, you return for a second visit so we can place the completed crown. We use a powerful bonding agent, which ensures they stay in place for many years to come. In as little as two visits, we can address your damaged or decayed tooth. To protect the teeth we attach them to, and prevent other oral health issues, we suggest taking time to brush and floss daily, and see us every six months for checkups and cleanings too. Try to cut back on sugary foods and drinks, which otherwise feed harmful bacteria. If you have any questions about using crowns to restore the health, function, and beauty of your smile, then contact our team today. We would love to help you continue to enjoy your best possible smile.

Talk To Your Richfield, MN Dentist’s Office About Custom Restorations

At our Richfield, MN dentist’s office, our team wants to help repair and protect smiles with lifelike dental restorations. To find out more about repairing smiles, please call Cedar West Family Dentistry at (612) 861-7188.