If your tooth becomes damaged, or develops issues with the shape or color, then cosmetic treatment may be necessary to address these concerns and improve your smile’s esthetics. Instead of taking several visits and procedures, your Richfield, MN, dentist can often improve smile beauty in one visit with dental bonding and contouring.
The Causes of Damaged Teeth
Our teeth are coated in tooth enamel, the hardest substance in the human body. However, this doesn’t mean your teeth are impervious to injury. An accident or injury could chip or crack a tooth, as could biting down on a hard piece of food or chewing on objects like pens or pencils. Poor oral hygiene could also weaken the outer enamel, increasing the risk of damage, as well as decay and infection. Treating your damaged tooth is essential for avoiding major complications and protecting the health and beauty of your smile. So, if you damage a tooth, rinse with warm water, take a pain reliever, and see us as soon as possible.
The Bonding and Contouring Process
With these unique treatment options, we can help repair and restore a tooth in one visit. In fact, we can often perform both in the same sitting. Dental bonding employs the same composite resin we use in our tooth-colored filling placement to repair minor damage. We start by cleaning the tooth, removing any decay, and then gently etching the surface. We prepare the composite resin material, shading it to blend with your tooth structure. We apply the material in several layers and then as the composite resin cure under a light, we can shape and mold the tooth. We then fix minor damage, lengthen worn down teeth, mask permanent teeth stains, and close gaps between the teeth.
With contouring we take a different approach. We actually sand and buff away outer structure to remove sharp or pointed portions, address overly large looking teeth, and smooth any rough patches, pits, or grooves in the tooth’s surface.
Protecting Your Smile
To protect your tooth from further injury, be sure you wear a mouthguard when playing sports or practicing martial arts, or engaging in any activities that could lead to damaged teeth. To protect your outer enamel, make time to brush and floss daily and always see our team every six months for a routine exam and dental cleaning. We can work with you to help you enjoy a healthy, functional, and beautiful smile. If you have any questions about those cosmetic treatment options, then contact our team today.
Does Your Smile Need Cosmetic Care?
With cosmetic dental treatment we can help repair and restore the beauty of your smile in just one visit. To find out more our approach to cosmetic dentistry, then schedule a consultation with Dr. Keller by calling Cedar West Family Dentistry in Richfield, MN, today at (612) 861-7188.