Treating Tooth Decay With Composite Fillings

richfield dental fillingsIn our last blog, we talked about how composite resin can be used to offer lifelike repair for cosmetic imperfections, all in only one visit. But did you know the same material can be employed to treat tooth decay? In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist talks about how we treat cavities in one visit with composite fillings.

The Benefits of Composite Resin

Composite resin is a unique blend of acrylic-like and glass-like particles, which contain no metal and is safe for use in patients of all ages. The material is biocompatible, which means it bonds with the tooth and can stay in place for years to come. In addition, we can shade the material to blend with the tooth and offer a more lifelike appearance than other traditional filling options. Our team can use this to offer safe and lifelike fillings for patients of all ages!

Placing Dental Restorations

How do we place a dental filling? To begin, we will numb the tooth being treated to keep you comfortable as we remove decay and then clean it thoroughly. Next, we prepare and place the filling material in multiple layers. As we shape and mold the tooth, we cure the composite resin beneath a special light. The last step is to polish the tooth thoroughly, so your smile shines. In one visit, we can treat tooth decay and prevent the issue from causing an infection or risking the stability of your tooth altogether!

When to Contact Our Team

A cavity forms in your tooth when the outer enamel is compromised, allowing harmful oral bacteria to enter the tooth and reach the sensitive dentin, causing a cavity. This could be due to an injury to the tooth or teeth grinding. Poor oral hygiene and a diet high in sugar could mean plaque buildup, which weakens and erodes the outer enamel. When your tooth begins to ache or feel sensitive, let us know right away so we can take action to protect your oral health and keep your smile whole. You can also help prevent cavities by brushing and flossing daily, cutting back on surge and starch in your diet, and attending a checkup and cleaning every six months.

If you have any questions about how we treat cavities with our lifelike dental fillings, then contact our team today. We also hope to see you for checkups and cleanings every six months, so we can help you and your family maintain good oral health for years to come!

Learn More About Restorative Dentistry

If you want to talk about a same-day and attractive treatment for cavities, then give us a call at Cedar West Dental in Richfield, MN today at (612)861-7188 to schedule an appointment.