When you sustain serious damage to your smile, such as a chip or fracture, then you may need a restoration. This option can offer a long-lasting solution to minor damage and even address serious oral health concerns, such as decay or infection. How does your Richfield, MN, dentist improve smile health and beauty with a dental crown?
The Dangers of a Chipped or Fractured Tooth
When the outer layer of tooth enamel becomes compromised, this leads to an increased risk of tooth decay and infection, as bacteria now has access to the inner dentin, a more sensitive and porous layer of tooth structure. Even minor damage, such a as chip, could mean a cavity. If you damage a tooth, be sure to see us soon as possible so we can repair the damage. If you experience regular tooth sensitivity and toothaches, also make an appointment as this could indicate the presence of a cavity or infection.
Creating Your Restoration
A crown addresses a variety of restorative and cosmetic issues, as the restoration covers the visible portion of your tooth. To create one, we begin by prepping the tooth receiving it. We remove a small amount of structure and then take detailed impressions. We use the impressions and images gathered to design and craft them. For the front facing teeth, we may usually use all ceramic, as this material can be shaded to match the color of the teeth and offers the same translucent appearance as tooth enamel. For the side and rear teeth, we may recommend porcelain-fused-to-metal and zirconia, which not only look natural but can also absorb serious bite forces and pressure.
Once we complete your new crown, we will check the fit and if necessary, make any final adjustments. We then attach the crown with a powerful bonding agent. We may use the restoration to treat cavities and infections, lengthen worn down teeth, and fix cracks and chips. We can also aid in tooth replacement using crowns to secure a dental bridge or to complete a single tooth dental implant. Once in place, proper care and attention could help them last for decades to come.
Safeguarding Your Smile
What steps can be taken to help them last? First, be sure you’re brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing every night before going to bed. These steps help protect the tooth your restoration is attached to from gum disease and cavities. You also need to see us every six months for a checkup and cleaning!
Does Your Smile Need Repair?
If you have issues with the health and stability of your tooth, then we often help with a custom restoration. To find out more about improving the health, function, and beauty of your teeth, schedule a consultation with Dr. Keller by calling Cedar West Family Dentistry in Richfield, MN, today at (612) 861-7188.