Damaged A Tooth? Learn About Your Restoration Options

Richfield MN BBQIf you have cracked or broken one of your natural teeth, take the time to speak with a trusted dental health professional about what has happened. Sometimes, these situations may not feel like an immediate emergency, but it is a safer move to talk to your dentist. You may have fully removed the protective outer covering of your tooth known as your enamel.

When you need to restore an injured part of your smile, our team of helpful restorative dental experts in Richfield, MN is here to find you a lasting oral health solution. One of these possibilities is the placement of a beautiful new dental crown, which acts as a sturdy cap to keep your natural material safe. A crown is a tested method of repair that can help you to avoid further deterioration of your smile due to additional damage or bacterial infection. Make an effort in renewing your smile after cracking or breaking a tooth with a call to our team!

Make An Appointment Quickly After You Damage A Tooth

When you injure your smile, the situation does not always seem like an emergency. Small chips can happen from time to time, but you still want to talk to your provider about the situation. If the damage only affects your enamel, ask about your possibilities in dental bonding. With this method, your dentist uses an advanced composite resin to renew your tooth to a full size and shape.

There is also the reality that you may have removed the outer enamel layer, exposing the more vulnerable dentin tissue underneath. When this happens, you expose yourself to the risk of an internal tooth infection of your pulp, which can become dangerous. An infection can cause pain that requires a root canal treatment or an extraction to correct.

Dental Crown Restoration Can Help Restore An Injured Smile

At your appointment for an examination with your dentist, you may learn that your damaged tooth needs a little bit of assistance. It is important to remember that these things happen, even with a dedication to brushing and flossing.

You have an opportunity to renew your smile with a beautiful dental crown restoration. This approach creates a strong and elegant cap that permanently connects to your natural tooth. You have options in the material of your new dental crown, so be sure to speak with your provider about which of these works best for you!

Positive Restoration With A Dental Crown With Cedar West In Richfield, MN

Breaking a tooth is a serious situation, so take the time to see your dentist after you damage your smile. To learn more about how a dental crown restoration can help you to regain your confidence in your smile, call our team at Cedar West Dental in Richfield, MN today at (612)861-7188!