Losing a tooth can cause problems for your oral health as well as your self-esteem. When this happens, it is important to discuss replacement options with your dentist as soon as possible. The team at Cedar West Dental in Richfield, MN, can help you have a complete smile again with the help of dentures or a bridge. In today’s blog, we will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages that each of these options offers.
Why You Should Replace Missing Teeth
The leading cause of tooth loss in adults is periodontal disease, followed by decay and then accidents. No matter what the reason may be, if you are an adult experiencing tooth loss, it is critical that you replace these dental structures with a form of prosthetic. When you have permanent gaps in your smile, it can cause difficulty when chewing, speaking, and showing off your grin. In addition to these problems, ignoring dental loss can lead to further loss in the future. Missing some of your dentition can cause your gums and jawbone to weaken, and over time you could lose more of your dental structures. By filling in these gaps, you can keep your jawbone sturdy and prevent further loss.
How A Dental Bridge Can Help
One way to address this problem is with a dental bridge. This is a permanent replacement that can be used to replace up to three dental structures in a row. It is held in place with the support of surrounding teeth. This is a great option for patients who only have partial tooth loss within the same area. A helpful advantage of this method is that you will not need to take it out to clean. It will stay in place and can last for many years with proper care. However, if you are experiencing spaces in different areas of your smile, this will not be a helpful option for your needs. Instead, your dentist may recommend that you receive dentures instead. If your tooth has been damaged, but has not been lost, a crown may be able to repair it.
Dentures Can Treat More Severe Tooth Loss
You may already be familiar with dentures. This is a form of prosthetic that can be used to address more serious gaps. For instance, if you have gaps in several places throughout your oral cavity, a partial denture may be used. Dentures can also come in a full set, which can replace the entire arch of dental structures. This is a great option for patients who do not have healthy teeth that can support a bridge. Before receiving any form of prosthetic, your dentist will examine your smile to assess what the best method would be for your needs.
Learn More About Your Options
If you are interested in bridges or dentures, give us a call at Cedar West Dental in Richfield, MN today at (612)861-7188 to schedule an appointment.