Bridges & Dentures Could Give You A New Smile


Richfield, MN, dentist offers bridges and dentures

Losing a tooth, or several of your teeth, can cause a drastic change to the function and appearance of your smile. You may notice that your speech is different, and it can become difficult to chew certain foods. Along with these changes in function, you may also feel self-conscious in your appearance when you are missing one of your pearly whites. The team at Cedar West Dental in Richfield, MN, offers restorative treatments like bridges or dentures that can help you replace your missing teeth.

The Most Common Causes Of Tooth Loss

Tooth loss can be caused by accidental injuries, health conditions, and more. If you have a serious cavity that has not been treated, it could lead to serious damage and may need to be extracted to protect your oral health. Patients with more progressive forms of periodontal disease may also be at risk of losing some of their pearly whites. To avoid this from happening, regularly scheduled deep cleanings should be scheduled to help manage your symptoms. While some of these problems can be prevented with proper oral hygiene practices, accidents can also lead to knocking out a dental structure. If you play contact sports, take precautions by wearing protective mouthguards.

How A Dental Bridge Can Help You

If you have lost a tooth, it’s important that you replace it as soon as possible to avoid more significant changes to your smile and oral health. One option to replace your missing pearly whites is a dental bridge. This helps replace up to three dental structure in a row. With this restorative option, crowns are added on the adjacent teeth to help support the bridge. The pontic is secured in place, meaning you will not need to remove it at all to care for.

When A Partial Or Full Denture Is Necessary

For patients experiencing tooth loss throughout their smile, a dental bridge may not be the best option for their needs. Instead, your dentist may recommend a partial or full set of dentures. A partial denture can fill in the gaps between your teeth with false ones but leaves space for your healthy pearly whites to remain. A full set may be used for patients experiencing more progressive forms of tooth loss. They can recreate an entire arch of teeth to help with necessary functions like chewing food and talking. These stay in place by the suction created from the natural curve of your mouth and denture adhesives.

Questions About This Restoration? Talk To Our Team!

These prosthetic options could help replace missing teeth and give you a boost of confidence. To schedule an appointment at Cedar West Family Dentistry in Richfield, MN, call our team today at 612-861-7188.