A Picture Perfect Smile Through Restorative Dentistry

Picture Perfect SmileWho doesn’t want to look great in holiday pictures, or any picture for that matter? Life can be even more enjoyable when you feel confident with the smile you have to show off. Unfortunately the opposite is also often true. It can be embarrassing and frustrating trying to jump back into your old life – much less photographs – with a newly incomplete smile. Plus, delaying or skipping prosthetic treatment can cause alignment problems and even jaw pain. So stop hiding out, or hating that reminder of your tooth loss each time you look in the mirror, and call your dentist, instead. A restorative dentist can help provide you with a beautiful prosthetic that will not only improve your smile’s function, it will prepare you for your next closeup.

There’s a Reason or Two That Dentures Remain Popular Prosthetic Treatment

Dentures remain a very popular form of prosthetic dentistry because they are a quick, comfortable and affordable way to cope with tooth loss. Dentures, either partial or full, can be crafted to match your teeth and gums, and made to fit comfortably within your existing smile.

While most full dentures are designed to be used without the necessity for adhesives, many patients prefer the added security that comes with using denture adhesives.

Bridges Can Give You an Even Stronger Restoration

Dental bridges are another excellent option, one that provides even more stability than dentures, and one which has cosmetic benefits as well. That’s because bridges use dental crowns to secure a replacement tooth to the adjacent teeth. By affixing crowns to the tops of those teeth adjacent to the gap, a fake tooth can be secured to healthy teeth.

This is a great way to preserve your natural alignment, and prevent jaw problems from arising after the loss of a tooth.

Because crowns are highly customizable, bridges also offer a beautiful form of restoration, one most people won’t even recognize as being anything other than your gorgeous, natural smile!