Quiz: What You Can Gain From Cosmetic Dental Work

quiz-what-you-can-gain-from-cosmetic-dental-workWhat can you gain from cosmetic dental work? Many people choose to undergo treatment gain a real confidence boost. A change to your smile can make a pronounced change to your overall appearance. If your teeth are worn or misshapen, or if they have dulled in color over time, they can make you feel self-conscious. These problems can also lead to you looking prematurely older. There are several types of work your dentist can do, and these procedures can target a range of physical problems. With a treatment like porcelain veneers, you can actually take care of several problems all at once.


True Or False: Professional whitening treatments from your dentist must be done at their office.

True Or False: A dental bonding procedure uses composite resin, which is also used to provide tooth fillings.

True Or False: Porcelain veneers are able to cover up discoloration and physical issues with teeth.


False! Your dentist will actually provide you with the materials to whiten your teeth at home. While you may not be in the office for treatment, the whitening treatment can still offer professional results.

True! Composite resin has the ability to bond directly to your tooth, and the material’s appearance is so close to the look of your enamel to be of value to cosmetic work. In a dental bonding treatment, your dentist will apply composite resin to fix chips and cracks. This can also address discoloration.

True! Porcelain veneers have the ability to take care of a range of flaws. When you have veneers fitted on your teeth, they will cover up physical issues, and make your teeth look whiter.