What Is Stress Doing To Your Oral Health?

How are you feeling lately? If you have been putting up with stress, you may have already noticed effects on your body. You might be struggling to sleep, you could be irritable – stress may even impact your physical health. While everyone has moments in their lives that feel stressful, extended periods can cause problems. One particular problem for your oral health is the tendency to clench your jaw. If you develop bruxism, a habit of teeth grinding, you could wind up with jaw problems, or potentially serious dental damages. Let your dentist know if you have recognized any of these symptoms. Without help, teeth grinding can have a serious negative impact.

Treatment For Bruxism And TMJ Problems

Your dentist may not be able to help with stress at work or at home, but they can help stop the condition from leading to oral health woes. A specially designed mouth guard can be provided to help you with your particular affliction. The guard can stop you from grinding your teeth while you sleep. One can also be constructed to keep your jaw in proper alignment, and help with TMJ problems.

Make Sure You Stay On Top Of Your Dental Needs

Stress can throw all of us off balance from time to time, but your health needs – and your oral health needs – should still be met. Skipping on brushing or flossing can allow plaque to go unaddressed. When that occurs, the substance has time to harden to tartar, which can resist your at-home care. Skipping out on preventive dental visits can mean going without important care. If you have a small cavity you are unaware of, putting off checkups can leave that decay with more time to do harm.