Schedule Your Summertime Dental Checkup!

dental checkup richfield mnBefore you head off to your vacation for the summer, take some time to meet with your dentist for a cleaning and an examination. While we know that you do your best with your brushing, spending the appropriate amount of time twice each day to remove bacterial buildup, there may be places that you miss. A summertime dental checkup can help you to feel fresher while keeping a close eye on your oral health, and this is a great time of the year to focus on your smile!

At Cedar West Family Dentistry in Richfield, MN, we know the value of quality preventive dental care. If you have not seen the dentist yet in 2024, it is time to talk to your provider about coming in for a checkup, and we are here to help. With a dedication you your smile, you can work to avoid common concerns such as tooth decay and periodontal disease, and this starts with your appointments for cleanings and examinations. To find out more about us or to schedule your next visit, give us a call today!

You Need To See The Dentist From Time To Time

Periodically, it is vital to visit with your dentist for an examination of your smile and a thorough cleaning of the surface of your teeth, along your gumline, and more. For most people, the general recommendation is one dental checkup every six months, but for some patients, an accelerated schedule of treatment can be helpful. Talk to your dentist about your needs, and then be sure to stick to the treatment plan that they give to you.

Your visit focuses on three key points: a diligent cleaning of your smile, quality imagery to identify weak points in your oral health, and a visual examination to see how things are going. Each of these parts of your visit has power in protecting your oral health, so don’t skip your appointments!

A Fresher Smile An A Newfound Appreciation For Your Health

When you come into the office for a semiannual dental checkup, it really is your opportunity to talk with a professional about your oral health, and you should take advantage of it! Ask all of your questions, no matter how silly they may seem. Our team is here to help you have the tools that you need to find smile success, and we can always give you a refresher on proper brushing and flossing techniques.

Schedule Your Next Dental Checkup At Cedar West!

If it is time for your next cleaning and examination, talk to our team about coming into the office. To find out more or to schedule your next dental checkup, give us a call at Cedar West Dental in Richfield, MN today at (612)861-7188!