Responding To Different Types Of Oral Health Problems

Restorative dental care can help you recover from problems that hurt the quality of your oral health. Hopefully, you will only need to rely on your dentist for preventive care provided during regular dental checkups. However, you may find yourself needing help with any number of problems that affect individuals. Cavities are a common problem – if you need help with tooth decay, your dentist can perform restorative dental care, then provide you with a crown or filling. Patients who suffer tooth loss can face particular challenges. If you need to restore an incomplete smile, your dentist can help by providing you with the appropriate prosthetic dental support.

Taking Care Of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is a common problem, but calling this problem “common” does not mean it should be taken lightly. Going without care for a cavity allows bacteria more time to harm your tooth. If the problem grows serious enough, you could suffer tooth loss! Your dentist will remove all infected tissue from your tooth, and carefully clean the damaged area. After doing this, they may need to supply protection for that tooth by providing a dental filling, or a dental crown. The choice will be determined based on the amount of support your tooth needs.

Dealing With Tooth Loss

If you have experienced tooth loss, you can find it difficult to bite and chew, or even speak! For isolated losses, your dentist can provide permanent support with a dental bridge. If you need to replace an entire row of teeth, dentures can be used to return your smile to you.

Receiving Care For Oral Health Problems At Cedar West Family Dentistry

At Cedar West Family Dentistry, you can receive the restorative care you need to keep your smile in good condition. Ignoring oral health issues can create complications, affect your appearance, and impact your quality of life. Our team can take care of you when you need to take care of cavities, while also helping you replace lost teeth. To learn more about what we can do for our patients, or to schedule an appointment, call our family dental office in Richfield, MN, today at (612) 861-7188.