Preventing Bruxism From Seriously Harming Your Teeth

Bruxism can lead to chronic jaw problems, sensitivity in your face and teeth, and potentially significant dental damage. Patients who grind their teeth while they sleep face real risks for ongoing discomfort, and the kind of issues that will require restorative dental work. Your dentist can identify the problem, and offer help in the form of a special oral appliance that will keep your teeth safe through the night. By inserting this custom mouth guard before you go to bed, you can spare yourself discomfort, and pain. Bruxism is often associated with TMJ dysfunction – if you are dealing with a teeth grinding habit, your dentist can also look into possible issues with your jaw joints.

Looking For Signs Of Bruxism And TMJ Dysfunction

During a routine dental exam, your dentist can keep watch for any signs of bruxism and/or TMJ dysfunction you might be exhibiting. An excess of wear and tear on your teeth  can alert your dentist to a possible teeth grinding problem. Your jaw movement can be checked for signs of poor joint alignment, which can cause the painful symptoms associated with TMJ dysfunction. These problems are often related because the development of one can lead to the development of the other.

Keeping Up With Preventive Dental Visits Will Help Keep Your Smile Healthy

Ongoing preventive dental care protects you against threats that could seriously undermine your smile. Your dentist is helping you do more than just fight cavities. By identifying issues with bruxism in time, your dentist can stop you from grinding your teeth to the point that you require a dental crown for a particularly damaged tooth!

Talk To Cedar West Family Dentistry If You Are Concerned About The Effects Of Bruxism

The expert care you receive from Dr. Keller at Cedar West Family Dentistry can help you sustain a healthy, attractive smile. Our office is proud to provide a vital level of care for our patients. By booking preventive care, you can make sure that you are taking advantage of these expert services. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, please call our family dental office in Richfield, MN, today at (612) 861-7188.