Did you know that we can improve the beauty and function of your smile, repairing damage and other cosmetic issues in just one visit? Let’s talk about tooth bonding and how we can help you obtain a smile you’ll be proud to show the world.
Frequently Asked Questions About Tooth Bonding
Question: What issues can bonding address?
Answer: We can use the procedure to reshape teeth and correct a number of cosmetic concerns. For example, we can lengthen worn down teeth or reshape teeth that have become chipped. We can also close any gaps between the teeth and also mask permanent teeth stans, the kind of discoloration that wouldn’t otherwise respond to traditional teeth whitening.
Question: How do you fix a tooth?
Answer: The procedure begins with prepping the tooth. We remove any decay and clean the tooth. Then we etch the surface to help the material stay in place throughout the curing process. We prepare the material by shading it to match the rest of your smile. The composite resin, the same material used in out tooth-colored fillings, will be applied in multiple layers. As the tooth cures under a light, we can sculpt and mold it. Finally, we polish the tooth for a more esthetically-pleasing appearance.
Question: What does contouring involve?
Answer: Often performed in the same visit, contouring involves gently buffing the tooth to remove a small amount of structure. We do this to reshape malformed or damaged teeth, dull overly pointed teeth, or to remove pits or grooves in the tooth’s surface. If you have any questions about our cosmetic procedures, such as bonding and contouring, or if you have a stained or damaged tooth, then contact our team today.
Talk To Cedar West Family Dentistry About Tooth Bonding
At Cedar West Family Dentistry, we can improve the esthetics of your smile in as little as one visit. Our practice can work with you to provide solutions to common oral health issues. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment with us, call our family dental office in Richfield, MN, today at (612) 861-7188.