Do You Know What To Expect From A Dental Checkup?

do you know what to expect from a dental checkupWhat do you expect to happen when you visit your dentist for a routine checkup? When was the last time you went in for a routine checkup? These visits should be made twice a year, and they provide a range of benefits to your oral health. Many people may not realize the value of what they receive from a regular visit. When you develop a better appreciation for how your dentist can help you prevent oral health problems during checkups, it can help you make them a priority.

True Or False: Your Hygienist Can Remove Tartar From Your Teeth, Which At-Home Care May Not Eliminate

True! Tartar is a term for plaque that has hardened on your teeth. While plaque can be removed with brushing and flossing, tartar may not budge when you try to clean your teeth at home. The tools available to your hygienist can successfully remove these substances from your teeth.

True Or False: Your Dentist Can Identify A Cavity On Your Tooth Before It Causes Discomfort

True! A cavity that has started to form may not be painful. If your dentist spots it in time, treatment should preserve enough of your healthy tooth structure so that you only need a filling to restore it. You can experience noticeable discomfort from a cavity that has had time to reach your pulp. At this point, a root canal would be necessary for your tooth.

True Or False: A Checkup Is About The Health Of Your Teeth Only

False! While your dentist is examining your oral health, they will check your gums for signs of infection. Serious gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss for adults.