Creating Your Complete Dentures

richfield complete denturesWhen you have lost most of your teeth, or all of them, then you may need a complete set of dentures. In today’s blog, your Richfield, MN, dentist wants to create a set of dentures that looks natural and improves your oral health. We could have both removable options, and options supported with dental implants.

What Happens Following Tooth Loss

When you lose most of your teeth, this alter show you eat and limits the kinds of meals you can enjoy, Not only does this put your favorite dishes out of reach, but it reduces your nutritional intake too. Missing teeth also complicate how easily you speak, and could cause embarrassment with your appearance. Missing teeth also upset the balance of your bite, so complications like TMJ disorder and bruxism (chronic teeth grinding) could develop, further harming your oral health. In addition, the lack of roots could mean the surrounding jawbone gradually loses mass and density, a recipe for further tooth loss and an aged appearance.

Crafting Your New Dentures

Each set of dentures we offer our patients will be custom-made for their smile. To begin, we gather detailed images of the teeth, as well as digital x-rays too. This allows us to create a 3D computer model, and plan the creation of your prosthetic with detail. The denture will contain a full row of ceramic teeth, which are durable and shaded to blend with your smile. They will be set into a based made from acrylic, designed to look like gum tissue. Removable options will be held in place with suction or a special adhesive, and will need to be removed for cleaning and soaking. They last about 5 to 10 years on average, needing replacement as the jaw ridge changes shape.

Support with Implants

We could also support them with dental implants. Inserted into the jawbone, they bond with the bone tissue and act like new roots. We then connect the prosthetic to them, which fix the prosthetic in place. You don’t remove them for cleaning, and they can stay in place for decades, as the roots prevent the gradual breakdown in the jawbone. You maintain your youthful features, eat your favorite foods, and never worry about your prosthetic slipping when you eat or speak. If you have any questions about how we replace missing teeth with a denture, or about the benefits of an implant supported option, then contact our team today to learn more.

Talk To Your Richfield, MN Dentist About Dental Prosthetics

Our team is ready to create a new prosthetic that returns health, beauty, and function to your smile. To find out more about rebuilding your smile, then contact your Richfield, MN, dentist, Dr. Keller, by calling (612) 861-7188. We can see you now so you use your 2021 benefits before they expire!