Are You Ignoring Symptoms Of An Oral Health Problem?

Have you been shrugging off a persistent toothache? Are you trying to tune out chronic pain in your face or jaw? You may feel that whatever issue you are facing will pass, but you should know that you could be ignoring a potentially serious oral health issue. If your tooth hurts, and there is no apparent cause, you could be dealing with a cavity that has formed, and has started to cause endodontic problems. Facial pain, jaw pain, and even chronic headaches can be a sign of TMJ troubles, and those troubles could be accompanied by a teeth grinding habit you need to address. Your dentist can restore your oral health, and stop these problems before they cause more significant concerns.

Take Face And Jaw Pain Seriously

TMJ pain can be a persistent drain on your quality of life. If your chronic pain is related to bruxism, you can face a risk for real dental damage. An oral appliance designed by your dentist can help your jaw joints stay in a more relaxed position. They can also provide a mouth guard that stops you from grinding your teeth when you sleep, so you do not suffer pain, or dental damage.

Ignoring A Toothache Could Mean Overlooking A Cavity That Needs Urgent Care

What does it mean when your cavity hurts your tooth? It can be a sign that bacteria has reached its interior, and you are dealing with an infection of that tooth’s living tissue. Without care, bacteria can continue to spread, and your tooth might be lost. Restorative care from your dentist can stop the problem, and a dental crown can protect your tooth.