Addressing Cosmetic Flaws On Your Teeth

addressing cosmetic flaws on your teethThe first concern your dentist has is for the health of your teeth. If there are existing problems, correcting them is the first priority. That being said, your dentist can also help you improve your appearance with the aid of cosmetic dental procedures. These treatments can cover up a variety of different problems that may hold back your smile. If you do not care for the color of your teeth, a professional whitening treatment can restore their color by leaving them several shades whiter. You can also receive help covering up different physical issues that are hindering your appearance.

Covering Up Signs Of Damage

Unfortunately, while your body can heal itself and make small cuts and bruises disappear, cosmetic damage on your teeth will require the intervention of your dentist. If you have serious damage, your tooth will have to be restored in order to preserve its health. Many people will need a dental crown for a damaged tooth. However, for milder injuries, you may only require a cosmetic treatment. Dental bonding can cover up small chips and cracks, as well as restore the color of a tooth that has darkened after an injury.

Porcelain Veneers Can Help Cover Multiple Problems With Your Smile

Porcelain veneers transform your smile by covering your teeth with life-like shells. The veneers are durable, long-lasting, and versatile enough to cover up a variety of different issues in a single treatment. You should expect to need two appointments to receive veneers. At first, your measurements will be taken, your preferences for your veneers will be discussed, and your teeth will be prepared to receive them. Once they have been crafted in a lab and sent to your dentist, you can return and have them placed on your teeth.