Dental damage can happen to the best of us, so it is important to know that you have options to repair your smile after a chip or a crack. Even with a diligent approach to maintaining your smile, you may experience a chipped or broken tooth. The simple fact of the matter is that you use your mouth constantly throughout the day, so you are always susceptible to an injury.
With our team of helpful dental professionals in Richfield, MN, we can help you to renew your smile after you experience a cracked or chipped tooth. Through a process known as dental bonding, we use a durable composite resin to renew injured teeth in order to give you a fuller smile. This material matches your existing enamel, giving you the opportunity to smile with confidence again. Learn more about how the dental bonding process helps you to have a more attractive smile by repairing your chipped or broken teeth, and be sure that you talk to your dentist about treatment at your next appointment!
When You Chip A Tooth, Talk To Your Dentist About Dental Bonding
Broken teeth can happen, even with the most determined oral hygiene regimen. A stumble over a set of stairs or the misjudgment of taking a drink of water are just some of the everyday scenarios that can injure your smile. While you cannot fully protect yourself from all of these harms, you have the power to seek dental treatment quickly after chipping or cracking a tooth.
If this has happened to you, make the effort in talking with a trained dentist about your situation as soon as you can safely do so. You may have removed the enamel from an area of your tooth, leaving you susceptible to further deterioration of your smile. Your enamel plays a huge role in the protection of your tooth from bacterial infection, so ask about whether dental bonding is the right move to restore your smile.
Dental Bonding Uses A High Quality Composite Resin To Correct Your Injury
The process of dental bonding takes advantage of the strength and durability of an advanced composite resin. This material is similar to the kind used for dental fillings, and it could be your solution after you lose some of your enamel due to injury. After placement and polishing, your bonded tooth will blend in with the rest of your smile, allowing you to rejuvenate your appearance while renewing your injured structures.
Reliable Dental Bonding With Cedar West Dental In Richfield, MN
When you are looking for a way to repair your smile after chipping or cracking one of your teeth, give us a call! For more information on dental bonding, contact Cedar West Dental in Richfield, MN today at (612)861-7188.