Resolving Problems Created By Bruxism

There are real risks that you can expose yourself to by not discussing bruxism with your dentist. The trouble with teeth grinding and clenching is that it can both wear down your enamel to hurt your smile and create problems for the health and alignment of your jaw. At our Richfield, MN dentist’s office, we are prepared to both protect you against any further harm and recommend services that will effectively take on any current problems you have due to grinding and clenching. We should note that dental damage stemming from this problem can be severe; in fact, it may be necessary to restore broken teeth with dental crowns to be sure that they have the support that they require!

Signs That Your Smile Is Impacted By Bruxism

There are multiple warning signs that can help you determine whether you need to say something to your dentist about the ongoing impact of bruxism. They include difficulties with morning jaw pain and dental sensitivity, problems with jaw discomfort and stiffness that you can associate with TMJ disorder, and disconcerting changes to your smile caused by noticeable enamel wear and tear. Until something is done about ongoing problems with nightly teeth grinding and clenching, these difficulties can worsen, and that can mean you require more help managing your oral health by the time you do see your dentist!

Discuss Your Teeth Grinding Issues With Your Dentist

Bringing up bruxism at a dental appointment can lead to the protection needed to keep your smile safe from further enamel wear and tear. We can provide a personalized oral appliance for you to wear at night, which will stop grinding and clenching from doing any further harm to your enamel. The presence of your appliance can also benefit you because it can reduce the stress these activities place on your jaw joints and muscles.

What We Can Do To Restore Damaged Teeth

What can you do about teeth that have already been damaged? For relatively minor harm to your enamel, we may be able to help by providing dental bonding and contouring services. These services can reshape teeth and hide flaws without the need for permanent restorations. Depending on how many teeth need to be restored, this is work that we can complete in as little as one appointment. Patients who have suffered more significant wear and tear can look into the protection afforded by dental crowns.

Talk To Your Richfield, MN Dentist About Your Struggles With Bruxism!

With the right protection against bruxism, we can help you take on problems with your oral health and appearance brought on by nightly teeth grinding and clenching. In addition to this work, we can also support you by providing services to address teeth that have already been damaged. If you would like to find out more, contact your Richfield, MN, dentist, Dr. Keller, by calling (612) 861-7188.